Britannia Picture Hall, Berri
Britannia Picture Hall
The Britannia Hall was built by Mr H.B. Martin after the Blue Hall blew down in 1915. The Blue Hall was on the opposite corner across Denny Street and was known by that name due to the walls of the building being wallpapered in ‘Ricket’s Blue’ labels. The hall was used for meetings, dances and picture shows. After a late finish of the pictures, a small shop would remain open and the Martin family sold bakery items to the patrons. Mr Martin’s daughters also carried out a hairdressing salon from the site.
In about 1918, the Army and Navy Stores purchased Mr Martin’s various business concerns, including the hall. They traded as “General Providers” for many years. Part of the building was also used for meetings by the R.S.L. which later erected clubrooms at the river end of Vaughan Terrace, using huts from the Loveday Internment Camp.
In later years Mr G.V. Eitzen established a bakery on the site and it later became Eitzen’s Shoe store. The basic structure of the Hall still remains but without the balcony it is barely recognisable.
RSL moving day from Britannia Hall to new club rooms on Vaughan Terrace on the riverfront. Exact date unknown but circa 1940’s
Britannia Hall on the corner of Vaughan Terrace and Denny Street. Photograph most likely taken in the 1920’s
A very early photo showing Britannia Hall in Berri, from the bottom of Vaughan Tce
Britannia Hall in the late 1970’s. Th balcony has been removed and replaced with signage for Mr Peter Eitzen’s shoe store